26 May 2022
This newsletter is dedicated to the fantastic Bee Corner which has set up home in the Islington Mill Community Garden.
Let’s hear from its incredible organiser, Amber McCormack…
“I’m very chuffed to see my vision for Bee Corner coming together!
I’ve procured funding from Salford CVS to deliver beekeeping experiences as ‘Bees For Wellbeing’.
I’m hosting Open Apiary events on the second Sunday of every month until October. The next one is Sunday 12th June, from 2pm till 5pm.
There are also weekly Drop In/Help Out sessions, each Thursday between 2pm and 5pm.
There are always jobs to be done on the garden and apiary, including hive maintenance, tending and watering plants. Everyone is welcome!
In April we welcomed around fifty volunteers to the garden, including a group from Salford Lads Club, to help build the Geodome.
Sunday 24th was Earth Sunday, and I was staggered by the turn out and amazing support and hard work from everyone who came. It was a great day, and we are all delighted with the finished dome.
We purchased plants with a grant from Salford Council, planters with funding from Salford CVS Well Being Fund and soil from Salix Homes Springboard Community Fund.
We shifted about 5 tons of soil, it was epic!
Andy Simpson from RHS Bridgewater was amazing, sharing his expertise, as well as donating trees and pollinator-friendly plants.
We had lots of visitors during Sounds From The Other City, and we even hived a swarm on the day.
Our first Open Apiary day, ‘Feed The Bees,’ was supported by Food For Life Get Togethers and the Soil Association.
We had forty-five visitors, eleven of whom suited up and had a hands-on experience with the bees during two live hive inspections.
We also hosted an innovative seed bomb making workshop (using water soluble fabric), and the feedback was incredibly positive.
Next, we will be converting the shipping container on site into a classroom thanks to grants from the National Lottery (Awards for All) and Salford CVS (Big Ideas Fund).
Martin Staples (from Unit 4) and partner Sandra will be carrying out the work which will include a sheltered seating porch area with vertical growing.
Watch this space…!”