Islington Mill Pot Luck Film Night (IMPLFN), along with himHallows and Textbook Studio, will be exorcising the terrifying mockumentary of 90’s childhoods everywhere and bringing it oozing and clawing out into the 5th floor of Islington Mill. Controversial at the time, this one off broadcasting experiment still has the power to disturb today.
The screening will be introduced by Chris Paul Daniels, Artist and Lecturer in Filmmaking at Manchester School of Art. ” I was one of the kids who got traumatised watching the notorious hoax broadcast in 1992. It devastated me at the time, but also exposed me to the power that television and film had in manipulating the viewer. It’s left me with an interest in anything vaguely self-reflexive, ever since.”
Beer and snacks will be available from the Mill on the night, but be sure to wrap up warm, it’ll be a PARKY out.
£5 donation on the door, all funds raised go towards Islington Mill’s roof appeal.