Kochi Kochi is Japanese slang for Kochira and translates in English as a polite way of saying “This way!” or “Over here!”
Inspired by this after many trips to Tokyo, it became a fitting moniker to sum up the work and style of Marie Jones .
A multi-disciplinary freelance graphic artist and part time lecturer, Marie’s work explores various forms, from combining computer generated visuals with more traditional and tactile mediums such as needlework and knitting, to her most recent exploration which challenges the conventional way of archiving, and our responsibilities around loved ones possessions who have passed away.
Originally from Anglesey, Marie moved to the North West in 2003 completing her BA in Graphic Arts at Liverpool School of Art and Design in 2006, and her MFA in Graphic Design & Art Direction from Manchester School of Art in 2015. Marie has been moving between Liverpool and Manchester throughout, producing work for a wide range of clients across various sectors; ranging from start-ups to established companies, and creating design for large scale, mass participation art events.