Callum Simmons is most known for his extensive exploration of subject, dimensionality and colour. Throughout 2016 and 2017, his work involved politically driven poster prints – featuring a suicidal Donald Trump and Boris Johnson – appeared in exhibitions, articles and graffitied on walls across the globe, adding to existing social commentaries of political unrest and corruption. In the last 6 years Simmons has focused on non-figurative work, creating oil paintings, murals and kinetic sculptures with contrasting colours, fields and shapes. Inspired by nature, optical art and his urban environment of Manchester, he interprets the work as both controlled and chaotic, aiming the viewer to look twice into them, at the first glance, they look blurred, but when you look closely into them, they are stripes following a systematic pattern. Simmons demonstrates his knowledge of colour to ensure the paintings create an illusion of a glow when observing from a distance.