Coatic Sequence WORKSHOP @ The Newbridge Project, Gateshead
Saturday 8th September, 13.00-15.00
Drop in session. No sign up required. Free admission
Coatic Sequence is a collaborative sound and visual project by Manchester artists Darren Adcock and Tasha Whittle. The project was debuted in 2017 after a collaborative commission for Manchester Science Festival. The pair utilise a hand built modular synthesiser ‘Glen’ to amplify drawing and improvise visual and sonic compositions.
Their workshop invites you to experiment with ‘Glen’, using different drawing techniques to produce and experiment with sound. Each mark made has a sonic effect, each sound produced affects the way the drawing is created. The work with Glen is playful, physical, chaotic, indeterminable, inclusive, improvised and falls in line with abstract expressionism. There is an infinite amount of sounds that can be synthesised from Glen and subsequently there are infinite ways drawings can be produced. Both senses (sight and sound) and disciplines (sound and visual) come together in one body of work and the pair are interested in the grey area where they meet.
Russell Gray (Girl Sweat) Introduction to Experimental Music Workshop
@ The Newbridge Project Gateshead
Saturday 8th September, 16.00-18.00
The workshops are FREE and suitable for up to 15 participants. Booking is essential.
To book a place on this workshop email
Girl Sweat’s Russell Gray will lead a workshop ‘Introduction to Experimental Music’ which emphasises that everyone has the ability to make interesting music, even with no musical training. In this workshop you will explore noise, drone and improvisation. In order to encourage the participants organic learning and unrestricted creation of music he will prioritise methods which see the participants discovering how to make sounds themselves, through sharing ideas, questions and exploration over personal instruction, which can often lead to imitation. This workshop will have a greater personal impact on the participants’ confidence and understanding of all musical processes and foster a greater communal atmosphere.
During the workshop, all participants will have:
Gained a basic knowledge of the ideas surrounding experimental music
Engaged with experimental music practices
Produced an ensemble piece of experimental music
Understood experimental music to be an inclusive art form and enjoyable music practice
Islington Mill & Fat Out present LIVE in a Northern Town, a series of special collaborations, performances, and workshops commissioned to coincide with Life in a Northern Town exhibitions hosted by the NewBridge Project. Taking place between The Star and Shadow and the NewBridge Project studios in Newcastle & Gateshead, the two day program highlights Islington Mill’s signature mix of music and visual arts collaborations, showcasing musicians from the Northern cities participating in the project: Liverpool, Manchester/Salford, Leeds and Newcastle.