Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, Islington Mill Art Academy (IMAA) offer free open public sessions followed by a potluck dinner at Islington Mill.
On 1 May we welcome Niamh Lunny, Clore Cultural Leadership Fellow, 2018/19. Niamh is on secondment at Islington Mill as part of her fellowship and will be sharing experiences of the fellowship and introducing us to her work with organisations such as Abbey Theatre, Dublin, ANU productions and Fishamble Theatre Company.
Talk and Discussion is from 6pm, followed by a Potluck Dinner at 8pm, so please bring a dish to share if you are able.
About Niamh Lunny:
Niamh is passionate about good design, collaboration, story telling and adventure. She has worked collaboratively and independently on a diverse range of commissions from events to merchandise. She was Head of Costume at the Abbey Theatre, Irelands National Theatre, for 11 years, during this time she designed extensively for the Abbey Theatre, ANU productions, Fishamble Theatre Company, The Performance Corporation, NAYD and the Ark, among many other theatre, film and production companies. She served on the board of directors at the theatre for 4 years, while there she secured board training for all future staff directors and Board members from an artistic background. Niamh was part of a sub-committee that drafted and implemented the theatres first policy on gender and equality. During the funding crisis of 2009 she proposed the Abbey Theatre Costume Hire Business as a way to save jobs, generate additional income for the theatre and make the costume stock available to the wider arts community.
Niamh is a graduate of Limerick College of Art and Design. She is currently exploring how to facilitate changes in behaviour and attitudes through creative process, collaborative practice, civic engagement and public policy. She is a Clore Cultural Leadership Fellow 2018/19, supported by the Jerome Hynes scholarship from the Arts Council of Ireland.
About IMAA:
Islington Mill Art Academy (IMAA) offer free open public sessions every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month.
IMAA is our free peer-led art school. It is open to anyone who wants to be an artist. Learning activities (workshops, artist talks and studio visits, group residencies and projects, crits and feedback sessions) are shared and led by the ideas and energy of current student-members. IMAA is not formally accredited; students choose to graduate when they feel ready to work more independently as artists.
Currently we meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month (with optional extra time for group projects), followed by a potluck dinner. We encourage anyone interested in joining to attend an upcoming session to discover if it is the right approach for you. Please get in touch for details: artacademy@islingtonmill.com
Each session is different and can include film screenings, artist talks, debate, guest speakers and more.
Next sessions take place on 15 May, 5 June and 19 June. Content for each session will be announced nearer the date.