Next Social Art Meet-up
Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Next Social Art Meet-up

The Social Art Meet Up in Manchester is for anyone interested in social art. These meet ups have come out of the National Social Art Network.

We have been holding regular meet-ups at Islington Mill over the last few months and this time we are heading out on a lunchtime visit to one of the group’s spaces.

Meet us at Affleck’s Palace on Church Street, Manchester City Centre at 2pm. Everyone welcome.

We will be visiting Joy France’s space inside Affleck’s to see the art she has created, kept and recorded there. Joy is a spoken word artist based in Manchester who has set up a community arts space in Affleck’s. The space has been running for 3 years and anyone is invited to add or contribute to the space.

Joy is planning for the work that has been collected and made here to be displayed in a future large scale exhibition. This will be a great opportunity to find out more about this space and project.

We have also been invited to visit the young people’s mental health organisation 42nd Street at The Horsfall on nearby Great Ancoats Street. We will be heading there around 3:00pm and if you are interested in joining us, then please come over.

Any questions please get in touch with Anna Horton: