As part of the launch of the DVD launch of CHOSEN FREQUENCIES (for the Body, Mind, Spirit) on Adaadat, Mark Wagner will be in residency in the gallery of the Islington Mill from the 27th September – 4th October. The residency will be part exhibition, part laboratory, part interactive workshops and experiments working on resonance experiments, cymatics, sound healing and other sonic science. The residency will culminate in an all day event on the 2nd October featuring a Sound Bath by Lani Rocillo, Music for Meditation by Ahrkh Wagner, installation by Romvelope, and special guests performing CHOSEN FREQUENCIES live.
The vibrational or wave-like nature of all things has long been sensed by the mystics, seers and shamans of all ages and is now a scientific reality. There is a well of mysterious information hinting at a prior knowledge and use of certain ‘chosen frequencies’ for purposes covering all fields of existence. Much of it is the realm of speculation and enquiry, the phenomena, however, is currently experiencing a resurgence of interest in the fields of science, music, metaphysics, healing, philosophy, well-being and recreation. This here DVD presents 9 creative works based around a set of chosen frequencies affecting the Body, Mind and Spirit and performed by a host of contemporary artists, mystics, seers and shamans.”
Mark Wagner is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work is steeped in Mysticism and focuses primarily on waveform phenomena.