Beacons // Flare @ Caustic Coastal
08/02/18 -
Time: All Day

Beacons // Flare @ Caustic Coastal

Opening Thursday 8th February 6-9pm.

Beacons | Flare
Tai Shani | Jenkin van Zyl | Amshu Chukki | Liv Fontaine

Open Thursdays & Saturdays 1-5pm until 3rd March.

Saturday 3rd March |Workshop, Tour & Artist Talk: details to follow…

Caustic Coastal is at Unit 2, Regents Trading Estate, Oldfield Road, M5 4DE
Facebook event

Beacons is a programme of 3 exhibitions, talks, workshops and an accompanying publication with interconnecting threads and tangents exploring our relationships with ourselves and each other within the framework of cyclical time and feminist legacies.

Pharos, Flare and Signs seek to communicate our experiences of time, existence and our bodies through empathetic exchanges with objects, emotional archives, traces left in artefacts; imagining futures and resurfacing histories.

“…a person I very much admire and respect once told me in an astrology reading that if theres any kind of community for a person like me they are all out there distributed across time and space. And that resonated a lot for me, and it seems to resonate with what youre saying here. This person explained that the things I make in the world will operate as beacons and the people w whom I am kin, twin, common – they’ll find me that way, like ships in a storm.”

Letter to a friend, Jesse Darling