Tuckson Projects

Tuckson Projects is an emerging fashion and product design company in the midst of building its first collection. It is created as a hybrid platform, which blends cultures and exercises interdisciplinary techniques. A safe place where personal and company growth could be attained by exploring unconventional methodologies

James (Son of his father, Tuck) founded Tuckson Projects in the summer of 2017. He was raised in Singapore before pursuing his Chemical Engineering Masters and PhD in England. As a scientist, he specialised in designing laser-based diagnostic systems for engines and reactors.

The years spent designing diagnostic systems awakened his childhood love and fascination for product design and fashion.

Although unconventional in career progression, James is confident that his scientific background will give him a unique perspective in the design industry. 



Tuckson Projects
Tuckson Projects
Tuckson Projects
Tuckson Projects
Tuckson Projects
Tuckson Projects
Tuckson Projects
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