27/10/19 -
Time: All Day


Solo show by Sarah Boulter at Galerie Hinten Chemnitz, Germany Twinners residency funded by I-Portunus mobility funding

The show follows a two week residency where Boulter was searching for a replacement sister in Chemnitz- a natural place to find one because it is her twin city. She constructed & partook in repeated sisterly actions with Chemnitz women, trying to play her part in strengthening the ties of the UK /European family by bringing unity, love & childishness. Boulter urgently cultivated intimacy with 4 strangers, they found themselves comfortable with one another’s silence and able to exclude the audience from their immediately unbreakable, mundane & conspiratorial sisterly bond. The show is a documentation of the experiment & a ceremony took place to commemorate the occasion.