Going Nowhere Fast / Exhibition by Robert Parkinson
29/03/18 -
Time: All Day

Going Nowhere Fast / Exhibition by Robert Parkinson

Over the course of the past three years Robert Parkinson has received numerous socially engaged commissions from institutes across the North of England including BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, the Whitworth and more recently Open Eye Gallery. Robert uses photography as an initial research tool when exploring new places and social groups. Going Nowhere Fast is a display of these project offcuts while identifying initial themes within participatory projects. Content is built from field notes, ambient audio recordings, photography and research methodologies.

Exhibition Opening event on Thursday 29 March 6-9pm, stubbies & wine provided.

Facebook page for the opening event & RSVPs here

Exhibition will continue with opening hours of 11:00 – 18:00 both Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st March.


This project is supported by Do It Yourself Darkroom which is based in Islington Mill. Ely will be around on the opening evening if people would like to see the facilities. They are great.